8:30 AM
Workshop Check-In/Light Refreshments
9:00 AM
Workshop Start Time
Tue, May 20
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
Conference Registration Check-In (Ongoing)
1:00 PM
Conference Program Starts: Welcome/Opening Remarks
Sharon B. Megdal, Director, Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona
Suresh Garimella, President, University of Arizona
Austin Nuñez, Chairman, San Xavier District, Tohono O'odham Nation
1:20 PM
Special Dedications
1:35 PM
Keynote: Transforming Water Conflicts: Global Lessons in Hydrodiplomacy
Aaron Wolf, Professor, Oregon State University
2:05 PM
Session 1: Frameworks for Collaboration Across Borders
Moderator – Meena Westford, Director of Imported Water, San Diego County Water Authority
Maria-Elena Giner, Commissioner, IBWC/CILA – US Section
Adriana Reséndez, Commissioner, IBWC/CILA – Mexican Section
Susan Daniel, Secretary, US Section of the International Joint Commission (Invited)
2:50 PM
3:05 PM
Session 2: Sharing the Colorado River
Moderator – TBA
Andrea Gerlak, Professor, University of Arizona,
Introduction and Overview: History and Operations of the Colorado River
Carlos A. De la Parra
Evolution of Collaboration between US and Mexico on the Colorado River
Amelia Flores, Chairwoman, Colorado River Indian Tribes
Effective Tribal Consultation
Francisco Zamora, Senior Director of Programs, Sonoran Institute
Cross-border Collaborations with NGOs
4:00 PM
Session 3: Sharing Other Waters
Moderator – Roberto Molina, Associate Director West Region, North American Development Bank (NADBank) (Invited)
Gilbert Anaya, Chief, Environmental Management Division, IBWC/CILA – US Section and Blanca Cabello,
Deputy Director of Water Quality and Sanitation, IBWC/CILA – Mexican Section
Understanding the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP) and Advances
in Harmonizing Data Across Borders
Tanya Trujillo, Deputy State Engineer and Senior Water Policy Advisor, New Mexico
Update on the Rio Grande and Groundwater in New Mexico
5:00 PM
Special Recognition: Chairwoman Amelia Flores and Day 1 Closing
Amelia Flores, Chairwoman, Colorado River Indian Tribes
Levi Esquerra, Senior Vice President for Native American Advancement & Tribal Engagement, University of Arizona
Sharon B. Megdal, Director, Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona
5:15 PM
RECEPTION at Cork & Craft (U of A Student Union)
Wed, May 21
7:30 AM
Day 2 Registration/BREAKFAST
8:30 AM
Welcome Back
Sharon B. Megdal, Director, Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona
8:35 AM
Keynote: Infrastructure, Investment, and Binational Collaboration
John Beckham, Managing Director, North American Development Bank (NADBank)
8:55 AM
Session 4: Water Security and Trade
Moderator – Natalie DeRoock, Administrator for Public Affairs, Tucson Water
Rob Simm, Senior Vice President, Emergent Sector Leader, Water, Stantec
Future Prospects for Binational Desalination
Glenn Williamson, CEO, Canada Arizona Business Council
Project Hourglass and Canadian Investments in the Water Sector
Michael Mendonca, Senior Director, Water Strategic Services, Salt River Project (SRP)
Cross-border Partnerships for Water Augmentation and Flood Flow Capture at SRP’s Bartlett Dam
Ben Ruddell, Professor, School of Informatics Computing and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University
Virtual Water Across Borders
Francisco Lara, Professor, School of Transboundary Studies, Arizona State University
Planning Across Borders
10:00 AM
Session 5: Water Challenges and Funding
Moderator – Jake Golden, Water Resource Specialist, City of Phoenix (Invited)
Heather Whiteman Runs Him, Associate Clinical Professor and Director, Tribal Justice Clinic, University of Arizona
Tribal Water Settlements and Funding for Tribal Water Infrastructure
Brian Bennon, Director of National Tribal Water Systems, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA)
Operational Capacity Development and Cross-border Knowledge Sharing
Antonio Rascón and Ramon Macias, Principal Engineers, IBWC/CILA – Mexican and US Sections
International Water Treatment Plants in San Diego-Tijuana and Ambos Nogales
Chelsea McGuire, Director, Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona (Invited)
WIFA’s Approach to Water Augmentation and Funding/Financing
11:05 AM
Dear Body of Water Interlude
Gretchen E. Henderson, Poetry Center, University of Arizona (Invited)
11:10 AM
11:25 AM
Tribal Leader Keynotes
Introductions - Gwendena Lee-Gatewood, Co-Chair, Indigenous Women’s Leadership Network
Tribal Keynote Speakers - To Be Announced
12:30 PM
12:45 PM
Lunch Program: Arizona-Sonora Border Dialogue
Keynote Speakers - To Be Announced
2:15 PM
Session 6: Water Sector Collaborations
Moderator – Joaquin Marruffo, Border Programs Manager, Arizona Department of Water Quality
John Kmiec, Director, Tucson Water
Municipal Sector: Tucson’s Collaborations Across Borders
Joshua Moore, Farm Manager, Colorado River Indian Tribes Farms (Invited)
Agricultural Sector: CRIT Farms and Water Conservation
Allison Moore, Executive Vice President, Fresh Produce Association of the Americas
Agricultural Sector: Cross-border Agricultural Production, Trade, and Transportation
Sandy Fabritz, Director of Water Strategy, Freeport McMoRan (Invited)
Mining Sector: Innovations in Mining Water Use
3:10 PM
3:25 PM
Session 7: Data and Knowledge Sharing
Moderator – Holly Estrada Mechsner, Executive Director, Canada Arizona Business Council
Susan Montgomery, Attorney, Montgomery & Interpreter, PLC
Building Trust through Data and Collaborative Modeling
Rosario Sanchez, Senior Research Scientist, Texas Water Resources Institute
Binational Knowledge Sharing Platform
Elia Tapia, Professor, Universidad de Sonora
Translating Science
4:10 PM
US Bureau of Reclamation Update
Introduction – Alexander Smith, Area Manager, Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office
Carly Jerla, Post-2026 Program Manager, Bureau of Reclamation
Amy Witherall, Binational Program Manager, Lower Colorado River Basin Region, Bureau of Reclamation
4:30 PM
Keynote: Status of Colorado River Negotiations
Introduction – Jamie McEvoy, Associate Director, Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona
Tom Buschatzke, Director, Arizona Department of Water Resources (Invited)
4:50 PM
Conference Closing Remarks
5:00 PM
End of Conference