On Thursday, January 30, 2025, the WRRC kicked off its Spring 2025 Water Webinar series with an energizing webinar, Women and Water — Networking and Leading…
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Groundwater is vital to the well-being of over 20 million people in the nearly 2000-mile-long, arid U.S.–Mexico border region, supporting agricultural,…
Please help us spread the news—the WRRC is now accepting proposals for this year’s federal WRRA 104(b) and 104(g) grants. The Water Resources Research Act (…
Register soon for the WRRC’s 21st Annual Chocolate Fest, which will be held on Thursday, February 13, 2025, from 4–5 pm. Bring your favorite chocolate…
Classes for the Spring 2025 semester began this week, and as the U of A welcomes students back to campus, the WRRC looks forward to a season packed with…
These are contentious times for Colorado River policy, with strained relations between the Upper and Lower Basin states in public view. It is, therefore,…
On December 10, I attended the 20th anniversary Water Rights Day celebration of the Gila River Indian Community Water Rights Settlement. The settlement, which…
The WRRC is searching for an Associate in Extension to lead the WaterRAPIDS (Water Research and Planning Innovations for Dryland Systems)program. The Associate…
Groundwater is in the news. In Arizona, attention is focused on rural groundwater, and the availability of groundwater in more populated parts of the state,…
Groundwater depletion has been brought to the public's attention lately, beginning with a series of high-profile articles in the New York Times. The articles…
This case study provides insights regarding factors that contribute to successful cross-boundary diplomatic outcomes in the Colorado River Basin. The…
On November 20, 2024, recipients of funding from the 104(b) Grant Program presented a WRRC Webinar on two water-related research projects. A team from Arizona…