Digging Deep in to Dam Construction April 17, 2020 In June, APW educators will deliver the Colorado River Watershed Teacher Academy online through a combination of direct live instruction, small group discussions, video, recorded PowerPoint presentations, reading assignments, and some self-directed activities. Read more Image
Plumbing Protection in the Time of COVID-19 April 17, 2020 In the midst of COVID-19, people are running out of toilet paper and resorting to other alternatives that could harm the sewer system. Read more Image
Appreciation Week Must Go On: Virtual Recognition of Arizona Water Professionals April 9, 2020 Arizona residents certainly know the value of water. Professionals in the water industry understand that protecting and managing Arizona’s water supplies are essential to the state’s future, which requires an educated and well-trained workforce. Read more Image
In Memoriam - William Lord, Former WRRC Director April 3, 2020 On the evening of Friday, March 27, 2020, former WRRC Director William Lord passed away. He had retired from UA and was living in Boulder, Colorado. At UA, he was a professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Hydrology and Water Resources (now Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences). Read more
Water Your Home April 3, 2020 Are you working from home and contemplating the wonders of water? Beyond being very grateful for our clean tap water and our efficient wastewater systems during this stressful time, we can re-energize our moods by implementing some home water innovations and strategies. Read more Image
Past WRRC Annual Conference Presentations Available Online March 30, 2020 Our 2020 conference has been postponed, but don't let that stop you from heading to our website to check out the presentations from our previous annual conferences. The agendas for conferences held from 2015 to 2019 have links to videos and PowerPoint presentations. Read more Image
Shared Water Well Guidance from UA Extension March 23, 2020 In February, the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension released "A Guide for Operating Shared Water Wells In Arizona" authored by Gary Hix and Dr. Janick Artiola. Read more Image
New Article Examines Arizona's Water Credit Transactions March 16, 2020 Doctoral student and WRRC alum, Rebecca Bernat, working with Director Sharon B. Megdal and Assistant Director Susanna Eden, has written a groundbreaking article on Arizona's Long-Term Storage Credit (LTSC) water transactions Read more Image
Urgent Water Management Choices Weighed at Conference in Phoenix March 9, 2020 It’s hard to turn on the news without hearing another story about water in the West as drought planning, global climate impacts, and new or changed regulations demand attention. How we manage our water is key to our future. Read more
Water is Magic! March 9, 2020 Water sticks to itself and other things was the conclusion that over 250 people came to at the Chandler Innovation Fair! Read more Image