Water Professionals: Our Essential Workers Sept. 28, 2020 While we have all been vigorously washing our hands to help stop the spread of COVID-19, water treatment professionals work around the clock to keep our water flowing. Water professionals are essential workers! Read more Image
WRRC Graduate Research Assistants to Present at Managed Aquifer Recharge Conference Sept. 28, 2020 WRRC Graduate Assistants Rebecca Bernat (Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Science) and Mary Belle Cruz Ayala (Ph.D. Candidate in Arid Lands Resource Science) Read more Image
WRRC Invites Student Research Proposals Sept. 22, 2020 The WRRC invites students at any of Arizona's three public universities to submit research proposals for projects that explore new ideas to address water issues in Arizona and the Southwest. Read more Image
Calendario De Eventos Sobre Temas De Aguas Subterráneas Transfronterizas E Internacionales Sept. 18, 2020 El Foro Permanente de Aguas Binacionales será el anfitrión de la Conferencia México-Estados Unidos sobre Aguas Subterráneas Transfronterizas, "Innovación y Creatividad: Estrategias para Desafíos sin Precedentes", los días 14 y 15 de octubre de 2020, a través de la plataforma Zoom. Read more Image
Transboundary and International Groundwater Topics Fill Events Calendar Sept. 18, 2020 The Permanent Forum of Binational Waters is hosting the US-Mexico Transboundary Groundwater Conference, “Innovation and Creativity: Strategies for Unprecedented Challenges,” October 14-15, 2020, via Zoom. Cohosts include Texas A&M University and the Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua. Read more Image
UArizona Adaptation Center Contributes to Science and Management Solutions for the Colorado River Sept. 14, 2020 Working with an array of stakeholders in the Colorado River Basin to help re-envision the management of the River, the Colorado River Conversations have led to new relationships between the environmental community, states, Tribes, and water managers. Read more Image
WRRC 2020 Photo Contest - Arizona & Arid Zones Sept. 10, 2020 The WRRC photo contest is back, and we are excited to see what our contestants will bring to the table this year. As with the last few photo contests we’ve held, the main criteria are that the photos be taken in Arizona and feature water. Read more Image
WRRC Hosts Daryl Vigil for Brown Bag Webinar Sept. 8, 2020 The WRRC’s 2020 Fall Semester Brown Bag Webinar series began this week with a deeply engaging presentation from Daryl Vigil, co-facilitator of the Water and Tribes Initiative. Vigil’s presentation, Read more Image
The 7 P’s of APW Aug. 31, 2020 Here at APW, we might call 2020 the year our world water web was stretched from shore to shore. We have extended our programming to support the virtual needs of our learning community while expanding our marketing outreach. Read more
Former WRRC Graduate Assistant Joins UArizona Faculty Aug. 27, 2020 This summer, the University of Arizona appointed former WRRC Graduate Assistant, Aaron Lien to the faculty of the School of Natural Resources and Environment. Read more