The WRRC 2021 Virtual Annual Conference,
Tribal Water Resilience in a Changing Environment, is just over a week away! The program consisting almost entirely of Native voices, including Tribal leaders, emerging water professionals, advocates, and the bearers of traditional knowledge, will also feature a screening of the film Paya: The Water Story of the Paiute and a poetry reading by MacArthur Award-winning Tohono O’odham poet and University of Arizona Regents Professor Ofelia Zepeda. One of her poems, Pulling Down the Clouds, is posted on our website and is but a preview of the works to be shared at the conference. The film screening, which will be immediately followed by a discussion panel, is being organized by Teri Red Owl, executive director of the Owens Valley Indian Water Commission, and will take place from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm AZ time (5:00 pm to 6:30 pm MDT), on Tuesday, August 31. The film tells the story of the “longest lived water war between the Owens Valley Paiute and the City of Los Angeles.” We hope you will join us for these events as well as others in our exciting conference line-up.