The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently released its first stage (1992-1994) Integrated Environmental Plan for the Mexican-U.S. Border Area (see…
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In an effort to promote use of Arizona's CAP water entitlement, the Central Arizona Conservation District approved an expenditure to develop in lieu…
Welcome to the premier issue of Arizona Water Resource. AWR is produced by the Arizona Water Resources Research Center at the University of Arizona.…
Drought in Arizona might seem less a special water management concern than a natural and permanent condition. That an area is generally desert, however, with a…
Because Arizona's small water systems are of lesser size than major water companies, they should not therefore be viewed as relatively simple, uncomplicated…
Computerized ground-water modeling has leapt from the cloistered laboratory to the field project as more and more programs are written for the personal…
Washes and arroyos cut or carve patterns into desert surfaces and are as much a natural form of the Arizona landscape as serrated mountains. Meandering over…
Efforts are currently underway to establish regional water supply agencies to serve two Arizona urban areas: Tucson and Phoenix. Already authorized by the…
Enacted in 1980, Arizona's Groundwater Management Act (GMA) is a decade old. The tenyear anniversary of the GMA provides an appropriate opportunity to review…
Semiarid, with a scarcity of water resources, Arizona might seem an unlikely state to be threatened by flooding. Flooding in Arizona, however, does indeed pose…
Although many and varied, all sources of water pollution are classified as either point or nonpoint. Pollution comes from a point source if its origins are…
A concern for Indian water rights has come to be one of the nation's most important water resource issues. Its importance is demonstrated by the fact that…
The changing of the Earth's climate, which is a topic of increasing concern, is a cornplex issue. Much more than a meteorological phenomenon, climate is a…
Arizona's natural attractions include deserts, mountains and canyons. Although not as noticed, another important natural feature is the state's perennial…
In its effort to best use all its available water supplies, Arizona must do more than conserve water. The state must also identify and develop new water…