Groundwater is increasingly important for meeting water demand across the United States (U.S.). Forward thinking governance and effective management are…
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The WRRC's May 21st Brown Bag seminar featured a presentation by Professor Uri Shani, titled "Policy Principles, the Red-Dead Conduit and Regional Solutions".…
The WRRC is pleased to announce the publication of our 2018 Arroyo, "Water and Irrigated Agriculture in Arizona." This Arroyo contains a brief, yet…
Many consider gravity-flow irrigation inefficient and deride its use. Yet, there are cases where gravity-flow irrigation can play an important role in highly…
The WRRC is pleased to announce the publication of our 2018 Arroyo, “Water and Irrigated Agriculture in Arizona.” A comprehensive summary of Arizona’s…
As another semester ends and we transition into summer, the Weekly Wave changes to a summer schedule. Beginning Friday, May 18 the WRRC will once…
On Saturday, April 14, the Arizona State Museum opened its latest exhibit, "The Resilience of Hopi Agriculture: 2000 Years of Planting". Michael Kotutwa…
Membership on the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP) team continues to be gratifying. The late 2016 publication of the Binational Study of the…
The Roman Empire was known for many remarkable engineering achievements, including roads that straddled continents and aqueducts capable of conveying life-…
La pertenencia al equipo del Programa de Evaluación de Acuíferos Transfronterizos (TAAP) sigue siendo gratificante. La publicación a finales de 2016 del…
Watching our WRRC students graduate is always bittersweet, and this year is no exception. Five gifted students, connected in various ways to the Water…
Each year during the University's Earth Week festivities, undergraduate and graduate students within the UA Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science…
On March 28, 2018, the Water Resources Research Center held its annual conference. The topic, The Business of Water, was selected to bring attention to the…
The Spring 2018 Arizona Water Resource highlights the WRRC’s Annual Conference: The Business of Water, held on March 28th at the University of Arizona Student…
This spring, the WRRC and Sky Island Alliance are highlighting water as the building block of life in the arid southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico…