The WRRC is pleased to share our newly released report Getting Down to Facts: A Visual Guide to Water in the Pinal Active Management Area, a collection of…
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The WRRC 2020 "virtual" Conference, Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years, is a wrap! With over 450 people attending, we had registrants from 51…
The United States has had a tumultuous relationship with one of its most precious resources — water. By the 1970s, aggressive development in the United States…
This has been a spring like no other. Who could have anticipated how our professional and personal lives would be severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic?…
RESUMEN: La evaluación de los recursos hídricos subterráneos en las zonas fronterizas áridas y semiáridas de Estados Unidos y México representa un reto para…
Assessing groundwater resources in the arid and semiarid borderlands of the United States and Mexico represents a challenge for land and water managers,…
We are delighted to let you know about our exciting keynote speakers for the June 18/19 WRRC Conference, Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years. …
Join us for the first-ever virtual WRRC annual conference on June 18 and 19, 2020. With over 30 speakers and panelists, you will hear perspectives from people…
The WRRC is pleased to announce that our exciting agenda for the WRRC Conference, Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years, has been posted on our…
Director Sharon B. Megdal returned from her sabbatical to present Wednesday's WRRC Brown Bag Webinar, Developing Pathways to Solutions to Wicked Water Problems…
The WRRC Annual Conference, Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years, has been transformed into a virtual event. Join us June 18 and 19, 2020…
UArizona students, Americorps members, and APW Educators worked together to bring you the Virtual Arizona Water Festival for Earth Day! Do you think that…
Questions continue to arise on COVID-19 and water--specifically can the virus be spread through contact with water in various forms? To date, there are no…
Terms such as "flattening the curve," "disease vectors," and other discussions of epidemiology have become commonplace as COVID-19 has spread throughout our…