August 28, 2020
Weekly Wave
8 vol.
no. 25
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

The WRRC wants to extend a warm welcome to all those returning to school for the Fall semester. This summer has been long, hot, and dry. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all to re-think how we learn, work, and interact with our friends, family, and colleagues. Across campus, classes began this week in a mix of in-person and remote instruction, demonstrating the resilience and careful planning that have been the focus these past months. As the semester begins, the University must, as President Robbins noted recently, remain “flexible and adaptive to the public health conditions of both our campus and the community of which we are part.” Here at the WRRC, while our office will remain closed, we continue to work from home to deliver our many and varied programs, conduct research, and engage with communities. Be sure to check out our website to stay up to date on everything WRRC. We wish everyone a safe and fulfilling semester!
Photo: Old Main at the University of Arizona, Courtesy of the University of Arizona