Image: Rose Veneklasen
On Thursday, February 13, 2025, the WRRC hosted its 21st Annual Chocolate Fest. Dozens of water enthusiasts gathered to share chocolate treats and enjoy an inspiring program. This year, Director Sharon B. Megdal conducted a “tables-turned” interview with special guests Chris Conover and Zac Zeigler to discuss their experiences recording Tapped, Arizona Public Media’s podcast on water issues in the southwest. Following the interview’s Q&A, we announced the winners of the WRRC 2024 Photo Contest.
WRRC Welcomes New Water RAPIDS Associate in Extension
The WRRC is pleased to welcome Anne Gondor to the WRRC team! She will serve as Associate in Extension for the Water RAPIDS program, and will work with local, state, nonprofit, and federal partners on water resources planning projects to develop solutions that meet the needs of stakeholders and the environment.
Crystal Thompson Receives CRWUA Lifetime Achievement Award
Long-time WRRC friend and collaborator Crystal Thompson, Executive Affairs Advisor and Communications Manager of the Central Arizona Project (CAP), recently received a lifetime achievement award for her dedicated work in support of the Colorado River basin. The honor recognizes Thompson for her years of leadership service with the Colorado River Water Users Association (CRWUA).
Getting Little Feet WET
Arizona Project WET Guest Article
On Saturday, February 15, 2025, Lorie Cavalli of Arizona Project WET and Christina Molinaro of iWonder Flagstaff hosted a place-based workshop at Foxglenn Park in Flagstaff for area educators. Participants had a sensational time problem-solving solid water (ice and snow!) scenarios.