Please note that the times listed are tentative and are subject to change.
The WRRC 2025 Annual Conference, Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Working Together in Times of Scarcity, will be held May 20–21 at the University of Arizona Student Union in Tucson, Arizona. The conference program will focus on the challenges and successes of collaborations across borders, with a primary focus on Arizona and the Colorado River Basin. Discussions will cover collaboration on waters shared by the United States and Mexico, as well as cooperation across borders shared with sovereign Tribal Nations, interstate borders, and borders within Arizona. They will also include lessons learned from other regions. In addition to in-person attendance, a non-interactive Zoom livestream will be available. The WRRC Annual Conference typically attracts participants from across Arizona and beyond, including water professionals, agency personnel, farmers, academics, students, environmental NGOs, community leaders, and interested citizens. Please join us for what is sure to be a lively and informative program! Subscribe to the WRRC’s Weekly Wave here to stay informed on conference developments.