CAP Water Users Roundtable on Proposed Conservation Incentive Program
On Wednesday, September 28, Central Arizona Project (CAP) representatives hosted a roundtable for state water users to discuss the proposed CAP conservation incentive program. Earlier this year, the CAP board said they would “work with stakeholders to develop a conservation incentive program that is consistent with [CAP] legal authority.” This roundtable provided an opportunity for stakeholders to share ideas and provide information so CAP can develop an effective program. Water resource managers and other representatives from water entities across the state attended the roundtable, providing statistics on current conservation programs and offering insights on how CAP might be able to support or supplement ongoing efforts. Major themes of the stakeholder feedback included requests for increased or improved messaging on existing programs, “easy” grants that would provide project funding without the hassle of managing federal grants, Colorado River system conservation, and improved budget reliability through rate stabilization. The CAP board will discuss the feedback from this roundtable at their October 6 Board Meeting.