Oct. 3, 2017

The University of Arizona's Water Resources Research Center invites proposals for student research projects that address water-related issues of importance to Arizona and the Southwest. The WRRC expects to award two to four grants of up to $10,000. Projects requesting less than $10,000 are encouraged.
The grant program, authorized under the Water Resources Research Act, Section 104(b) and funded through the U.S. Geological Survey, provides small grants for research that explores new ideas to address water problems in Arizona and expands understanding of water and related phenomena. Program goals emphasize the entry of new research scientists, engineers and technicians in the water resources field and education of students through significant involvement in water research. To advance these goals, the WRRC is calling on students and their faculty sponsors to submit proposals that feature student work.
Student project proposals must show a faculty member at one of Arizona's three state universities (UA, ASU, or NAU) as the Principal Investigator (PI). The student should be listed as a Co-PI. Researchers in the social, biological, physical and engineering sciences, including water management, water law, economics, and public health are invited to apply.
Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 15, 2017.
Proposals will consist of a basic information form, a 3-page narrative, 2-page investigator resumes, and a budget worksheet and justification. Budgets must show a match of two non-federal dollars for every federal dollar requested, and a letter of commitment for the matching funds must be included with the proposal. Proposal guidelines are available on the WRRC website:
The WRRC will convene a review committee to evaluate proposals on technical merit and contribution to program goals. The WRRC decision to fund projects will be based on this input and available funding.
The project year beings March 1, 2019. Project funding is contingent on federal budget approval.
For questions contact:
Susanna Eden
Phone: (520) 621-5670
Fax: (520) 792-8518
Water Resources Research Center
The University of Arizona
350 N. Campbell Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85719