WRRC Contributes to OECD Study on Urban Water

The WRRC contributed two case studies to a recent report on urban water put together by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The report, "Stakeholder Engagement for Inclusive Water Governance," uses case studies from around the world to assess the current trends, drivers, obstacles, mechanisms, impacts, costs, and benefits of stakeholder engagement in the water sector.
The two case studies on Arizona were put together by WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal, WRRC Assistant Director Susanna Eden, and WRRC Senior Research Analyst Kelly Mott Lacroix. The first case study, "Tracking participation to evaluate stakeholder engagement in water planning in Arizona," focuses on Connecting the Environment to Arizona Water Planning, a WRRC project that aims to foster dialogue between water users on voluntary, stakeholder-driven options for addressing the environment. The second case study, "Climate change-driven stakeholder engagement in Arizona," focuses on the WRRC's outreach and engagement efforts including the Groundwater, Climate and Stakeholder Engagement (GCASE) program and the Water Harvesting Assessment Toolbox.