WRRC Announces 2025 Summer Arroyo Internship

The WRRC is excited to announce its paid 2025 summer internship. Through the generosity of Gene Sander and Louise Canfield-Sander, the WRRC is offering a summer 2025 internship for the development of the 2026 Arroyo. Eugene G. Sander served for many years as Vice Provost and Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (renamed the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences in 2023) and held the title of the 20th University of Arizona President from 2011 to 2012. Louise M. Canfield-Sander, Professor Emerita (Biochemistry) focused her work on improving health outcomes for underserved populations, particularly Indigenous peoples of Central America and the US Southwest. The Arroyo is an accessible summary of current information on a single water topic of interest for Arizona and the region, chosen each year in connection with WRRC’s annual conference. Our 2025 conference theme is Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Working Together in Times of Scarcity. The WRRC is accepting internship applications now through 5:00 pm MST on Monday, April 7, 2025. Information on the WRRC Summer Arroyo Internship can be found at the link below, along with the application form and instructions. Please share this notice with U of A students who may be interested.