A “WET” Welcome to Michael and Tamara!

Feb. 6, 2025
apw new team members

Arizona Project WET is excited to introduce TWO new Outreach Coordinators on the Water Festival team, Michael Spaeth and Tamara Wells! Although they dock at the Tucson and Phoenix hubs respectively, you can find them implementing meaningful, water-focused, experiential, environmental education throughout Arizona. 

The Arizona Water Festival Unit of Study is delivered statewide and engages thousands of students in dozens of communities with the support of state and regional program sponsors, partners, and collaborators.

Michael and Tamara join the field day crew, where 4th grade students explore the Arizona water cycle, map regional watersheds, unearth the connection between groundwater and surface water, and learn how sustainable behaviors impact water availability in Arizona.

Come join the fun and meet Michael and Tamara at one of the upcoming APW events in your area.

Get involved—sign-up to volunteer here!