Canadian Delegation Visits Tucson Water Utilities March 2, 2020 As the prelude to a program for water utilities featuring Canadian technologies, WRRC Director Dr. Sharon B. Megdal met with the Canadian delegates to provide a basic understanding of Arizona's water situation. Read more Image
Capturing Learners Natural Curiosity Feb. 24, 2020 Change takes courage. Leaders from Creighton School District took the plunge into learning through inquiry and exploration with two APW facilitators. Read more Image
WRRC Hosts Another Informative Webinar Feb. 20, 2020 The WRRC held its second webinar in the “Get Ready” series on Tuesday, February 18. This webinar featured three presentations from committees of the Governor’s Water Augmentation, Innovation, and Conservation Council (GWAICC). Read more Image
Experiences Happen When You Serve the Community Feb. 10, 2020 Americorps service enables young people like me to broaden our horizons and get valuable experience. As an Americorps member with Arizona Project WET, I engage with our community in many ways. Read more Image
WRRC Offers Statewide Context at Upcoming Sulphur Springs Valley Seminars Feb. 3, 2020 The WRRC will present statewide water information at the Willcox Water Project Sulphur Springs Valley Seminars, February 12, 2020, at Sunsites Community Center from 12:30pm to 4:00pm Read more Image
Three New Books Are Worth a Look Jan. 27, 2020 The WRRC is pleased to call your attention to three new books written by friends and colleagues about water and related issues. Marie Pearthree, Deputy General Manager at the Central Arizona Water Conservation District, has written a book with the writer Michael McGuire chronicling how Tucson Water lost credibility and public trust, when in 1992 the utility introduced treated Central Arizona Project (CAP) water into its water delivery system; and how it subsequently rebuilt its reputation. Read more Image
National Competitive Grants Program 104(g) RFP Issued Jan. 24, 2020 The US Geological Survey has issued its annual call for National Competitive Grants Program 104(g) proposals to support research on water problems and issues of a regional or interstate nature, beyond those of concern only to a single state. Read more Image
2020 Conference "Get Ready" Webinar Series Jan. 23, 2020 Get Ready! A 2020 WRRC Conference Webinar Series is set to prime you for the upcoming WRRC Annual Conference, Water at the Crossroad: The Next 40 Years, to be held March 27, 2020, at the Black Canyon Conference Center in Phoenix, AZ. Three webinars, held every second Tuesday, February 4 to March 3, 2020, will serve up information to enrich your conference experience. Read more Image
High School Students Visit UArizona to Prepare for Statewide Envirothon Competition Jan. 21, 2020 Envirothon coach Patrice Whalen said, "You should have heard the chatter in the van on the way home!" after the 2020 Arizona Envirothon Symposium held at UArizona last Saturday. Read more Image
Photo Contest Winners Announced! Jan. 21, 2020 The WRRC is excited to announce the winners of the 2019 Photo Contest, Arizona Runs on Water. We had a multitude of wonderful photos to choose from. Judging wasn't an easy task, but the quality of the photos made it a joyful one. Read more Image