PCAST Editorial Published in Groundwater

Feb. 6, 2025
groundwater journal cover

On July 1, 2024, WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal submitted comments to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) in response to their call for input to help government decision-making. In her comments, she suggests looking for solutions to groundwater-related problems at a local level to meet the unique needs of the community and advocates for inclusion of all people impacted by water issues, such as Native Americans and other disadvantaged groups.

Megdal’s comments were incorporated into a guest editorial, co-written with Director of Science and Technology at the National Ground Water Association William M. Alley and UC-Davis Distinguished Professor of Hydrology Thomas Harter, and published online by the journal Groundwater. The editorial now appears in the Jan/Feb issue of that journal. The full text with its revised citation is linked below. 

PCAST was formed to consider opportunities and challenges related to our understanding and stewardship of America’s groundwater. Although the government website is no longer providing access to PCAST documents, you can read them, including Megdal’s comments, on the WRRC website.