CAP Board Meeting Features WRRC Presentation

A meeting of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) Board of Directors held on October 10 included a guest presentation by Director Sharon B. Megdal on the work of the Water Resources Research Center. The presentation featured ongoing WRRC projects and goals, including applied research, outreach and engagement, education, and partnerships. Megdal highlighted the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP), the WRRC Annual Conference, Indigenous Water Dialogues, Water RAPIDS (Water Research and Planning Innovations for Dryland Systems), the Arroyo, the Arizona Water Factsheet series, Water Webinars, the annual WRRC Photo Contest, and, of course, the Weekly Wave. She also made note of the many presentations, interviews, responses to public inquiries, and publications produced by WRRC staff and students each year. You can view a recording of the CAP Board Meeting or download a PDF of Megdal’s presentation at the links below.