Tucson Water Recycled Water Program

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Jeff Biggs
Tucson Water Interim Deputy Director
Fernando Molina
Tucson Water Public information Officer
Wally Wilson
Tucson Water Chief Hydrologist
Date/Time: Monday, March 9, 2015 / 12 - 1:30 p.m.
Tucson Water is a Department of the City of Tucson, serving water to approximately 75% of the regional population.  Water reliability for the community is the ultimate goal of the utility. In addition to providing daily water service to customers, water reliability means that: 1) Tucson Water must also plan for long term water supplies, 2) ensure that water quality goals for various uses are met, 3) manages and maintains all infrastructure required to manage water resources and deliver water supplies, 4) ensure the efficient use of water, and 5) meet all customer needs, including keeping water affordable.
The Recycled Water Master Plan (RWMP) was released in December 2013. The RWMP examines the existing Reclaimed Water System and provides recommendations for investments needed to ensure existing customers can continue to be served in an effective manner. The second element of the RWMP provides guidance on how currently unused effluent can be used to supplement future drinking water supplies. Purification of treated wastewater is being used around the world as a drinking water source, and the RWMP provides guidance on how Tucson Water can work to include Indirect Potable Reuse as a means of meeting future water demands.
Jeff Biggs is currently serving as Acting Deputy Director of Tucson Water. He has also served as Director, Water Quality and Operations Administrator for Tucson with many years of experience working in water treatment facilities.
Fernando Molina currently serves as Public Information Officer for Tucson Water. He has also served as Water Conservation Manger for Tucson Water, and worked with the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
Wally Wilson has 25 years of experience in water remedial and resource investigations in a half dozen states in the western US.  He received a BS in Geology from Sul Ross State University in Alpine, TX.  Mr. Wilson is currently the Chief Hydrologist leading the Water Resources Management Section for Tucson Water. This utility section is responsible for managing the City’s water portfolio of CAP, Recycled water and Groundwater.  Wally and his section of hydrologists are also responsible for the feasibility investigations, permitting, design and operations-optimization of Tucson Water’s six recharge facilities.