Satisfying Water Demands in Tucson for the Foreseeable Future



Presentation: Satisfying Water Demands in Tucson for the Foreseeable Future
Speaker: Wally Wilson, Chief Hydrologist, Tucson Water
Date/Time: Friday, 21 November / 3:00 pm
Location: UA Cesar E. Chavez Building (1110 James E. Rogers Way, Tucson), Room 405 
Mr. Wilson has responsibility for finding and developing water resources that will satisfy Tucson's present and future water needs.  To do so, it is necessary to fully understand both the state regulations regarding the adequacy of water supply and the probable status of future water deliveries from the Colorado River.
Several prominent studies, including one by the US Bureau of Reclamation have suggested that water deliveries from the Colorado River must be sharply curtailed in the not-to-distant future if the river system continues to suffer from systematic drought.  This situation could be further aggravated by climate change.  Arizona is heavily dependent on Colorado River water, as is the City of Tucson. Because of the probability of future shortages on the river, the situation requires careful planning of mitigation activities. The lecture will cover actions underway or in planning stages that are designed to ensure that Tucson's water supply will meet future needs.