In many regions of the world, protecting water for natural areas is an urgent matter. There are many ideas and potential lessons to be learned from our international neighbors to help Arizona reframe the link between healthy watersheds and healthy, thriving businesses and communities.
The program will include a series of panels on the policy, economic and environmental context of the Colorado River Basin in the U.S. and Mexico, and the Murray-Darling River Basin in Australia; approaches and lessons learned for securing water for natural areas; water allocation planning; indigenous perspectives; and more. This Symposium will focus on the following themes:
- How do we balance social, economic, and environmental demands for water within the capacity of the region's water supplies?
- How can we consider and provide for the water needs of water-dependent ecosystems?
- General Registration – $25.00
- Student (UA) – No Charge
- Student (other) – $25.00
- Faculty and Staff – $25.00
Contact Information
For questions regarding conference content, contact conference organizers Louise Misztal or Ashley Hullinger.