You know that trickle of water you see exiting the pipe connected to your home air conditioning system? For large commercial buildings condensate water from heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems can add up to more than a million gallons per year. Routing this water to the sewage drain not only wastes water that can be used for non-potable applications on-site, it also unnecessarily burdens the city’s water treatment system. As you can imagine, the drought across the southwestern United States has prompted a serious look at alternative water sources, like HVAC condensate. Come discover the fundamentals of a condensate collection and use system, the expected performance in Arizona, and how to overcome common challenges that hinder return on investment.
Dr. Diana Glawe’s 20 years of engineering experience span from research in supersonic propulsion to biomimetic nanotechnology. Her broad experience across industry, non-profit, academic and government sectors directs her vision towards a balance of research, education and policy in addressing challenges facing society. Her interest in sustainable facilities has developed into a focus on reclaimed condensate water from commercial building air-conditioning systems for on-site use.