Call for Abstracts - Groundwater Council Protection Council 2013 Underground Injection Control Conference



GWPC NOW ACCEPTING ABSTRACTS through NOV. 15th for the 2013 Injection Control Conference

The Ground Water Protection Council will hold its annual UIC Conference at the Lido Hotel in Sarasota, FL. on JANUARY 22-24, 2013.


  • CO2 Geosequestration
  • Hydraulic Fracturing
  • Class I Training
  • Aquifer Storage and Recovery
  • Stray Gas & Water Quality
  • Low Impact Development & Stormwater
  • Water Reuse & Oil & Gas
  • Class I, II, III, & V Issues
  • Induced Seismicity
  • RBDMS Data Mining for Oil, Gas, Class II & VI UIC Wells
  • Aquifer Exemptions
  • Injection & Deep Groundwater

Abstract Submittal Information:
Email abstract to by November 15th in the following format:

TITLE: centered—14 pt—bold—Times Roman
Author Names(s): centered—12 pt—bold—Times Roman
Author(s) Bio: max. 100 words—11 pt—Times Roman
Abstract: max. 300 words—11 pt—Times Roman
Notification will be via email by November 29th.
Presentation Information:
♦ Presentations may be oral with MS Power Point.
♦ Oral presentations must be no more than 18 minutes, followed by a 2 minute question and answer.
♦ Full Paper (if applicable) and Abstracts & Bios are due by January 15th
(Full paper not required to make oral or poster presentation)
Full Paper Detail: 15 pages total: (11pt – single spaced - Times New Roman)
1 page Abstract & Bio, 14 pages including text, diagrams, photos and/or tables
Page Margins: .75 inches
♦ Conference handbooks including abstracts & bios will be available to all participants at event.
♦ Power Point presentations and full papers will be posted on the GWPC conference web site following the event.
For question regarding instructions send e-mail to or call 405 516 4972.