C2E Webinar No. 3, "Accounting Mechanisms for Tracking Water Conservation"




The WRRC is hosting a series of webinars throughout Spring 2012 about Conserve to Enhance and other similar water utility user contribution programs. The goal of the webinar series is to provide interested stakeholders with a foundation of knowledge to pursue the implementation of Conserve to Enhance or a similar user contribution program in their community.

The third installment in The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center’s webinar series focused on innovative approaches to link water use and the environment will take place on July 19, 2012 at 1:00pm MST/12:00pm PST.

The theme for this webinar is, “Accounting Mechanisms for Tracking Water Conservation and User Contributions.” Featured speakers include:

·         Peter Mayer, Alliance for Water Efficiency and Aquacraft, Inc.

·         Peter Yolles, Watersmart Software

·         Joanna Nadeau, Tucson Conserve to Enhance

The speakers will review several approaches to educating and motivating water users to take action to conserve water, tracking water conservation over time, and how to link water conservation with user contribution programs that benefit water resources and the environment.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Leah Edwards at ledward1@email.arizona.edu by July 17, 2012. 

To participate, follow this link on July 19, 2012 at 1:00pm MST/12:00pm PST to log into the webinar service:


Audio Call-in: 866-218-6651 Access Code: 774726

As each webinar is completed, we will post the slides and notes on the C2E webpage.