The Arizona Water Resources Research Center's (WRRC) 2013 Annual Conference, "Water Security, From the Ground Up," was held March 5 at the UA Student Union Memorial Center. Organized in partnership with the United States Geological Survey, this interactive water dialogue featured prominent water experts on issues that affect every Arizonan, including water sustainability, environmental implications of stressed water supplies, policy options for local, regional and federal decision makers, and much more. Click here to view the conference agenda and speakers’ presentation slides.
Keynote Speaker - Anthony Cox, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Anthony Cox, currently the Head of the Climate, Biodiversity and Water Division in the OECD Environment Directorate, opened the 2013 WRRC Annual Conference morning session with a presentation on the global perspective of water security. Mr. Cox oversees the Directorate’s work on a wide range of environmental policy issues, including water, biodiversity, catalysing green investment, adaptation and development, and climate change negotiations. He also has overall responsibility for the OECD’s Horizontal Programme on Water, which pools the expertise from across the OECD to address economic and governance issues in water policy. Mr. Cox joined the OECD in 2000, working in the Fisheries Division of the Trade and Agriculture Directorate. Prior to joining the OECD, he worked as an economist in the Australian Public Service. Click here to see Mr. Cox’s presentation slides.
Media Coverage
More than 300 people attended the WRRC's 2013 Annual Conference, "Water Security: From the Ground Up" on March 5. “Arizona Week” host Michael Chihak covered the conference and spoke with WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal and speakers Elma Montana, Carly Jerla and Jim Leenhouts.
Poster Presentations
Thanks to all who submitted posters and to the poster judges. Congratulations to the three student poster winners, who happen to be University of Arizona students: 1st Place - Rachel Maxwell; 2nd Place - Angela Knerl; and 3rd Place - Jeremy Cusimano. Poster prizes were provided by the Water Sustainability Program. To see all of the poster abstracts click here.
Thank You!
The Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) would like to thank the speakers, moderators, sponsors, attendees, volunteers, students and staff who helped make our 2013 Annual Conference, "Water Security, From the Ground Up," such a success. Click here to see slide presentations from this year's speakers and panellists.