Water Harvesting Resources
These water harvesting resources are organized into three categories:
Demonstration Sites, Online Resources, and Workshops.
Link | Organization | Description | Type |
Rainwater Harvesting: A Valuable Technique for Providing Alternate Water Suppli… | Texas | Very basic presentation on RWH; Texas-based |
Online Resource |
The Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting | Texas | Easy to read, yet very detailed; lots of info on different types of storage systems; extensive info on treating rainwater for potable use; helpful charts at the ends of sections to summarize foregoing content; some parts are Texas- or Austin-specific (i.e. rainfall patterns and amounts); handy section detailing costs of various components; does not provide any specific how-to instructions |
Online Resource |
How to Capture Rainwater | Tree People (CA) | Good general info on several different active and passive ways to harvest rainwater; based in L.A.; nice, interactive website |
Online Resource |
Rainwater Harvesting | Storage / Supplemental use calculator |
Online Resource | |
Western US precipitation frequency map | Western US precipitation frequency map |
Online Resource | |
Stormwater as a Resource | New Mexico-based guide; good illustrations; comprehensive without being overwhelming; gives good book list at end |
Online Resource | |
Arizona Department of Water Resources | Links to greywater and rainwater harvesting information, including rebate programs |
Online Resource | |
Desert Harvesters | Brief description of RWH techniques |
Online Resource | |
Watershed Management Group: Green Infrastructure for Southwestern Neighborhoods | Watershed Management Group's guide to green infrastructure implementation at the neighborhood level, including rainwater harvesting using curb cuts, etc.; aimed primarily at community developers and professional planners |
Online Resource | |
Water Conservation Alliance of Southern Arizona | General information with links |
Online Resource | |
Watershed Management Group | Provides some links for further information, but not all of them still work |
Online Resource | |
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond | Books for sale only; website still has good info to offer, including upcoming events and workshops, photos, materials and suppliers, and electronic versions of selected handouts |
Online Resource | |
Flagstaff Rainwater Harvesting Stakeholder Group | Flagstaff | The purpose of the Rainwater Harvesting Stakeholder Group is to develop a draft rainwater harvesting ordinance that meets the goal of conserving potable water while also making sense for the business community, residents, and the arid Flagstaff environment |
Online Resource |
Green NAU | Northern Arizona University | Northern Arizona University effort to create a sustainable campus |
Online Resource |
Students for Sustainable Living and Urban Gardening | Northern Arizona University | Northern Arizona University student group that will utilize harvested rainwater for community garden at ARD building |
Online Resource |
ASU Sustainable Design Guidelines | Arizona State University | Guidelines to assist in advancing sustainable design on all Arizona State University campuses, including rainwater harvesting and greywater use; partnership between ASU Office of the University Architect and Sustainable Design Advisory Committee |
Online Resource |
Global Institute of Sustainability | Arizona State University | List of water quality and supply projects being pursued at Arizona State University's Global Institute of Sustainability |
Online Resource |
ASU Stardust Center | Arizona State University | "Through research, educational outreach, advocacy and design innovation, the ASU Stardust Center for Affordable Homes and the Family supports organizations, neighborhoods, and professionals in their efforts to improve the growth of quality affordable homes and sustainable communities" |
Online Resource |
The Water Project: Tucson's Synergistic Water Festival | Tucson | Webpage with lots of well-chosen links to water resources, none specific to rainwater harvesting but most referenced groups/sites are involved in rainwater harvesting |
Online Resource |
Sustainable Tucson | Tucson | Sustainable Tucson's links to rainwater harvesting information and other related groups |
Online Resource |
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