Agency Resources





ADEQ ADEQ Watershed Improvement and Protection Watershed Plans, Total Maximum Daily Load Plans, Non-point Education for Municipal Officials Plans State-wide
ADWR ADWR Annual Reports Overview of state-wide water issues, both surface and groundwater State-wide
ADWR AMA Online Dashboards Supply and Demand by AMA and use/source category, groundwater overdraft information AMA
ADWR Butler Valley, Harquahala, McMullen Valley, Ranegras Plain, and Tiger Wash Basins, Western Arizona - Hydrologic Monitoring Report No. 10 Comprehensive groundwater level and use summary Maricopa, La Paz Counties
ADWR Colorado River Management Online Dashboard Summary of Colorado River Management, Compacts, Acts, and Treaties State-wide
ADWR Irrigation Non-Expansion Areas Brief overview of INAs for well owners INA
ADWR Fact Sheet: Transducers Unit Field Services Section Hydrology Division Brief fact sheet on ADWR's groundwater monitoring and public access data program State-wide
ADWR Fact Sheet: Basic Data Unit Field Services Section Hydrology Divison Brief fact sheet on ADWR's groundwater monitoring and public access data program State-wide
ADWR Fact Sheet: Geophysics-Surveying Unit Field Services Section Hydrology Divison Brief fact sheet on ADWR's land subsidence and aquifer storage monitoring efforts State-wide
ADWR Groundwater Modeling Unit Fact Sheet Brief fact sheet of ADWR's groundwater modeling efforts and existing models State-wide
ADWR Statewide Hydrologic Monitoring Report (Late 1980s Early/Mid 1990s to Mid/Late 2000s) Comprehensive summary of Arizona's water resources, including Groundwater conditions inside/outside of AMAs, supply and demand, etc State-wide and AMA
ADWR Douglas and Willcox Basins and San Simon Valley Sub-basin, South Eastern Arizona - Hydrologic Monitoring Report No. 9 Comprehensive groundwater level and use summary Cochise County
ADWR Northwest Basins Groundwater Resource Assessment, Mohave County, AZ Groundwater model and results for Mohave County Mohave County
ADWR Mohave County Water Authority Demand and Supply Assessment Summary of population, water supply and demand, and shortage projections for Mohave County Mohave County
ADWR ADWR Online News Dashboard News releases from ADWR State-wide
ADWR Governor's Water Augmentation, Innovation and Conservation Council Meeting Tribal water rights in Arizona State-wide
ADWR Arizona Water Atlas Comprehensive information on water resources in Arizona. Divided into multiple reports for the different state-wide planning areas State-wide
ADWR Drought Status Dashboard Data on short- and long-term drought in Arizona State-wide
ADWR Surface Water Dashboard Information on surface water resources and water rights in Arizona State-wide
ADWR Groundwater Site Inventory (GWIS) Search engine for groundwater levels and well locations State-wide
ADWR Registry of Wells in Arizona Well registry for Arizona State-wide
ADWR Conservation Dashboard Information on conservation best practices for agriculture State-wide
Arizona State University The Economic Importance of the Colorado River to the Basin Region Details on economics of the Colorado River to the western US State-wide
Arizona Water Facts Water Your Facts Concise plots of water use in Arizona, compilation of ADWR data State-wide
AWBA Annual Report, 2019 Overview of AWBA's 2019 contributions/obligations, Drought Contingency implementation, GIS maps, and more State-wide
AZDHS Well Water Quality Information on well quality requirements, testing, and maintenance State-wide
CAP Colorado River Water Supply Report Colorado River Supply in all storage facilities on 12/29/2019, reservoir forecasts State-wide
CAP Colorado River Basin Major River Diversions Map of major Colorado River diversions in the western US State-wide
CAP Colorado River Natural Flows Chart Chart of flow at Lees Ferry since 1906 State-wide
CAP Lower Basin Drought Contingency Proposal Fact sheet about the Lower Colorado River Basin Drought Contingency Plan State-wide
CAP Climate Adaptation Plan 2018 CAP's plan and strategies for adapting to climate change State-wide
CAP CAP Subcontracting Status Report CAP delivery contracts for Municipal and Industrial subcontracts, not tribal Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima Counties
City of Prescott Resource: The Water Portfolio City of Prescott's assured water supplies in 2009 Yavapai County
Coconino County Domestic Water Improvement Districts Overview of DWID creation and operation Coconino County
Coconino County Coconino County Comprehensive Plan (2015) Background on water in Coconino County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning Coconino county
Cooperative Extension Save Water Information on water saving techinques for Arizona State-wide
Cooperative Extension Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): What consumers need to know Information on PFAS and PFAS in drinking water State-wide
EPA Water Sense Data on water-saving appliances and techniques State-wide
EPA Drinking Water Regulations Information on drinking water regulations in the US State-wide
FAO Water Quality for Poultry and Livestock Water quality needs for poultry and livestock State-wide
Green Valley Water District Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard General Information Pima County
Kachina Village Improvement District Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard General Information Coconino County
Maricopa County Maricopa County Comprehensive Plan (2016) Background on water in Maricopa County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning Maricopa County
Mayer Water District Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard General Information Yavapai County
Pinal County Pinal County Comprehensive Plan (2019) Background on water in Pinal County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning Pinal County
Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard General Information Gila County
Porter Mountain Domestic Water Improvement District Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard General Information Navajo County
SRP SRP Watershed Management Dashboard SRP's watershed protection efforts Coconino, Maricopa, Gila, Yavapai Counties
University of Arizona Climate Assesment for the Southwest Dashboard Climate data for Arizona State-wide
USDA Irrigation and Water Use Summary of nationwide agricultural water use State-wide
USDA Emergency Watershed Protection Program Summary of the EWP Program State-wide
USGS Water Use in the United States State and county water use information State-wide
USGS Hydrogeologic Framework and Characterization of the Truxton Aquifer on the Hualapai Reservation, Mohave County, Arizona Estimates of groundwater availability in the Truxton Aquifer Mohave County
USGS Geochemistry and hydrology of perched groundwater springs: assessing elevated uranium concentrations at Pigeon Spring relative to nearby Pigeon Mine, Arizona (USA) Tracing Uranium near the Grand Canyon and whether it relates to mining activities Coconino County
USGS Escherichia coli in the Santa Cruz River in Tumacácori National Historical Park, Arizona Survey of E. coli in Santa Cruz river water Santa Cruz County
USGS Aquifer Storage Change and Storage Properties,2010–2017, in the Big Chino Subbasin, Yavapai County, Arizona Summary of the Big Chino aquifer system uses, condition, storage and characteristics Yavapai County
USGS Groundwater-Storage Change and Land-Surface Elevation Change in Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, South-Central Arizona Results of groundwater and subsidence monitoring in the Tucson AMA Tucson AMA
USGS Assessment of Environmental Flows in the Middle Verde River Watershed, Arizona Fact sheet and report on environmental flows in the Verde River Yavapai and Coconino Counties
USGS Groundwater, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona—2013–2015 Results of spring and groundwater monitoring for the Navajo Aquifer Coconino, Navajo, and Apache Counties
USGS Agricultural lands in Arizona Map of agricultural lands in Arizona State-wide
USGS National Water Information System Dashboard Daily streamflow conditions for Arizona State-wide
USGS What is the Groundwater Atlas of the United States? Comprehensive groundwater background science State-wide
USGS/International Boundary and Water Commission, Mexican National Water Commission, UA Crossing Borders for a Secure Water Future: US-Mexico San Pedro River Aquifer Report Groundwater study of the San Pedro River Aquifer Cochise County
Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona Annual Reports, 2017-2019 Brief overview of WIFA projects in Arizona State-wide
Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona AZ Water and Wastewater Rates Dashboard Interactive dashboard with information on water/wastewater rates for utility companies in Arizona State-wide
Yavapai County List of Domestic Water Improvement Districts List of Domestic Water Improvement Districts Yavapai County
Yavapai County Yavapai County Comprehensive Plan (2012) Background on water in Yavapai County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning Yavapai County
Yuma County Yuma County Comprehensive Plan Section 8 (2020) Background on water in Yuma County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning Yuma County
Yuma County Agriculture Water Coalition A Case Study in Efficiency - Agricultural Water Use in the Yuma, Arizona Area Study on water use, efficiency, and agricultural economics in Yuma, Arizona Yuma County
  Tribal Water Uses in the Colorado River Basin Tribal water in the Colorado River Basin State-wide
City of Sierra Vista ADWR Underground Water Storage Report Information on how Sierra Vista may use ASR Cochise County
City of Sierra Vista City of Sierra Vista Story Maps Infographics on water and energy use in Sierra Vista Cochise County
USGS Hydrological Conditions and Evaluation of Sustainable Groundwater Use in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed, Upper San Pedro Basin, Southeastern Arizona Assessment of groundwater use and groundwater sustainability in Sierra Vista Cochise County
City of Phoenix Phoenix Water Supply Q & A Information on future of Phoenix's water supply and where the supply comes from Maricopa County