Agency |
Report/Publication |
Content |
Area |
ADEQ | ADEQ Watershed Improvement and Protection | Watershed Plans, Total Maximum Daily Load Plans, Non-point Education for Municipal Officials Plans | State-wide |
ADWR | ADWR Annual Reports | Overview of state-wide water issues, both surface and groundwater | State-wide |
ADWR | AMA Online Dashboards | Supply and Demand by AMA and use/source category, groundwater overdraft information | AMA |
ADWR | Butler Valley, Harquahala, McMullen Valley, Ranegras Plain, and Tiger Wash Basins, Western Arizona - Hydrologic Monitoring Report No. 10 | Comprehensive groundwater level and use summary | Maricopa, La Paz Counties |
ADWR | Colorado River Management Online Dashboard | Summary of Colorado River Management, Compacts, Acts, and Treaties | State-wide |
ADWR | Irrigation Non-Expansion Areas | Brief overview of INAs for well owners | INA |
ADWR | Fact Sheet: Transducers Unit Field Services Section Hydrology Division | Brief fact sheet on ADWR's groundwater monitoring and public access data program | State-wide |
ADWR | Fact Sheet: Basic Data Unit Field Services Section Hydrology Divison | Brief fact sheet on ADWR's groundwater monitoring and public access data program | State-wide |
ADWR | Fact Sheet: Geophysics-Surveying Unit Field Services Section Hydrology Divison | Brief fact sheet on ADWR's land subsidence and aquifer storage monitoring efforts | State-wide |
ADWR | Groundwater Modeling Unit Fact Sheet | Brief fact sheet of ADWR's groundwater modeling efforts and existing models | State-wide |
ADWR | Statewide Hydrologic Monitoring Report (Late 1980s Early/Mid 1990s to Mid/Late 2000s) | Comprehensive summary of Arizona's water resources, including Groundwater conditions inside/outside of AMAs, supply and demand, etc | State-wide and AMA |
ADWR | Douglas and Willcox Basins and San Simon Valley Sub-basin, South Eastern Arizona - Hydrologic Monitoring Report No. 9 | Comprehensive groundwater level and use summary | Cochise County |
ADWR | Northwest Basins Groundwater Resource Assessment, Mohave County, AZ | Groundwater model and results for Mohave County | Mohave County |
ADWR | Mohave County Water Authority Demand and Supply Assessment | Summary of population, water supply and demand, and shortage projections for Mohave County | Mohave County |
ADWR | ADWR Online News Dashboard | News releases from ADWR | State-wide |
ADWR | Governor's Water Augmentation, Innovation and Conservation Council Meeting | Tribal water rights in Arizona | State-wide |
ADWR | Arizona Water Atlas | Comprehensive information on water resources in Arizona. Divided into multiple reports for the different state-wide planning areas | State-wide |
ADWR | Drought Status Dashboard | Data on short- and long-term drought in Arizona | State-wide |
ADWR | Surface Water Dashboard | Information on surface water resources and water rights in Arizona | State-wide |
ADWR | Groundwater Site Inventory (GWIS) | Search engine for groundwater levels and well locations | State-wide |
ADWR | Registry of Wells in Arizona | Well registry for Arizona | State-wide |
ADWR | Conservation Dashboard | Information on conservation best practices for agriculture | State-wide |
Arizona State University | The Economic Importance of the Colorado River to the Basin Region | Details on economics of the Colorado River to the western US | State-wide |
Arizona Water Facts | Water Your Facts | Concise plots of water use in Arizona, compilation of ADWR data | State-wide |
AWBA | Annual Report, 2019 | Overview of AWBA's 2019 contributions/obligations, Drought Contingency implementation, GIS maps, and more | State-wide |
AZDHS | Well Water Quality | Information on well quality requirements, testing, and maintenance | State-wide |
CAP | Colorado River Water Supply Report | Colorado River Supply in all storage facilities on 12/29/2019, reservoir forecasts | State-wide |
CAP | Colorado River Basin Major River Diversions | Map of major Colorado River diversions in the western US | State-wide |
CAP | Colorado River Natural Flows Chart | Chart of flow at Lees Ferry since 1906 | State-wide |
CAP | Lower Basin Drought Contingency Proposal | Fact sheet about the Lower Colorado River Basin Drought Contingency Plan | State-wide |
CAP | Climate Adaptation Plan 2018 | CAP's plan and strategies for adapting to climate change | State-wide |
CAP | CAP Subcontracting Status Report | CAP delivery contracts for Municipal and Industrial subcontracts, not tribal | Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima Counties |
City of Prescott | Resource: The Water Portfolio | City of Prescott's assured water supplies in 2009 | Yavapai County |
Coconino County | Domestic Water Improvement Districts | Overview of DWID creation and operation | Coconino County |
Coconino County | Coconino County Comprehensive Plan (2015) | Background on water in Coconino County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning | Coconino county |
Cooperative Extension | Save Water | Information on water saving techinques for Arizona | State-wide |
Cooperative Extension | Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): What consumers need to know | Information on PFAS and PFAS in drinking water | State-wide |
EPA | Water Sense | Data on water-saving appliances and techniques | State-wide |
EPA | Drinking Water Regulations | Information on drinking water regulations in the US | State-wide |
FAO | Water Quality for Poultry and Livestock | Water quality needs for poultry and livestock | State-wide |
Green Valley Water District | Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard | General Information | Pima County |
Kachina Village Improvement District | Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard | General Information | Coconino County |
Maricopa County | Maricopa County Comprehensive Plan (2016) | Background on water in Maricopa County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning | Maricopa County |
Mayer Water District | Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard | General Information | Yavapai County |
Pinal County | Pinal County Comprehensive Plan (2019) | Background on water in Pinal County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning | Pinal County |
Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District | Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard | General Information | Gila County |
Porter Mountain Domestic Water Improvement District | Domestic Water Improvement District Dashboard | General Information | Navajo County |
SRP | SRP Watershed Management Dashboard | SRP's watershed protection efforts | Coconino, Maricopa, Gila, Yavapai Counties |
University of Arizona | Climate Assesment for the Southwest Dashboard | Climate data for Arizona | State-wide |
USDA | Irrigation and Water Use | Summary of nationwide agricultural water use | State-wide |
USDA | Emergency Watershed Protection Program | Summary of the EWP Program | State-wide |
USGS | Water Use in the United States | State and county water use information | State-wide |
USGS | Hydrogeologic Framework and Characterization of the Truxton Aquifer on the Hualapai Reservation, Mohave County, Arizona | Estimates of groundwater availability in the Truxton Aquifer | Mohave County |
USGS | Geochemistry and hydrology of perched groundwater springs: assessing elevated uranium concentrations at Pigeon Spring relative to nearby Pigeon Mine, Arizona (USA) | Tracing Uranium near the Grand Canyon and whether it relates to mining activities | Coconino County |
USGS | Escherichia coli in the Santa Cruz River in Tumacácori National Historical Park, Arizona | Survey of E. coli in Santa Cruz river water | Santa Cruz County |
USGS | Aquifer Storage Change and Storage Properties,2010–2017, in the Big Chino Subbasin, Yavapai County, Arizona | Summary of the Big Chino aquifer system uses, condition, storage and characteristics | Yavapai County |
USGS | Groundwater-Storage Change and Land-Surface Elevation Change in Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, South-Central Arizona | Results of groundwater and subsidence monitoring in the Tucson AMA | Tucson AMA |
USGS | Assessment of Environmental Flows in the Middle Verde River Watershed, Arizona | Fact sheet and report on environmental flows in the Verde River | Yavapai and Coconino Counties |
USGS | Groundwater, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona—2013–2015 | Results of spring and groundwater monitoring for the Navajo Aquifer | Coconino, Navajo, and Apache Counties |
USGS | Agricultural lands in Arizona | Map of agricultural lands in Arizona | State-wide |
USGS | National Water Information System Dashboard | Daily streamflow conditions for Arizona | State-wide |
USGS | What is the Groundwater Atlas of the United States? | Comprehensive groundwater background science | State-wide |
USGS/International Boundary and Water Commission, Mexican National Water Commission, UA | Crossing Borders for a Secure Water Future: US-Mexico San Pedro River Aquifer Report | Groundwater study of the San Pedro River Aquifer | Cochise County |
Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona | Annual Reports, 2017-2019 | Brief overview of WIFA projects in Arizona | State-wide |
Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona | AZ Water and Wastewater Rates Dashboard | Interactive dashboard with information on water/wastewater rates for utility companies in Arizona | State-wide |
Yavapai County | List of Domestic Water Improvement Districts | List of Domestic Water Improvement Districts | Yavapai County |
Yavapai County | Yavapai County Comprehensive Plan (2012) | Background on water in Yavapai County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning | Yavapai County |
Yuma County | Yuma County Comprehensive Plan Section 8 (2020) | Background on water in Yuma County, with a focus on statutory requirements and future planning | Yuma County |
Yuma County Agriculture Water Coalition | A Case Study in Efficiency - Agricultural Water Use in the Yuma, Arizona Area | Study on water use, efficiency, and agricultural economics in Yuma, Arizona | Yuma County |
Tribal Water Uses in the Colorado River Basin | Tribal water in the Colorado River Basin | State-wide | |
City of Sierra Vista | ADWR Underground Water Storage Report | Information on how Sierra Vista may use ASR | Cochise County |
City of Sierra Vista | City of Sierra Vista Story Maps | Infographics on water and energy use in Sierra Vista | Cochise County |
USGS | Hydrological Conditions and Evaluation of Sustainable Groundwater Use in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed, Upper San Pedro Basin, Southeastern Arizona | Assessment of groundwater use and groundwater sustainability in Sierra Vista | Cochise County |
City of Phoenix | Phoenix Water Supply Q & A | Information on future of Phoenix's water supply and where the supply comes from | Maricopa County |