Gua Bend, Arizona, is the site of the world's largestsolar-powered irrigation system, a system capable of pumping up to 10,000 gallons of irrigation water…
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The Yuma Desalting Test Facility is operated daily, around the clock, to develop, test and evaluate equipment and techniques which may be coupled for later use…
The following articles outline recent, selected University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) research findings along with actual or potential…
Proposals for FY 1978 water resources research under the Title I Annual Matching Grant Program of the Office of Water Research and Technology (OWRT) should be…
The FY 1978 Water Resources Problems and Research Budget Projections Report for the Colorado River - Great Basin Region has been released. The réport…
Fifteen new water resources research projects have been approved for July 1, 1976, funding by the Office of Water Research and Technology (OWRT), U.S.…
Approval has been received on the Plan of Study developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Phoenix Urban Study office. The program plan identifies the…
Sol Resnick, Director of the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center, wishes to announce that on January 2, 1976, he sent out the annual…
The Water Resources Scientific Information Center (WRSIC) bibiliographic data base is available for computerized retrieval on the Energy Research and…
The 19th Annual Arizona Watershed Symposium will be held September 24, 1975, at the Desert Hills Motel in Phoenix. The Symposium, cohosted by the Arizona Water…
Twelve new water resources research projects have been approved for funding during FY1975-76 by the Office of Water Research and Technology (OWRT), U.S.…
Secretary of the Interior Rogers C.B. Morton announced that Dr. William S. Butcher of Austin, Texas, has been named Director of the Office of Water Research…
For the past five years the Water Resources Research Center (WRRC), University of Arizona, aas been coordinating a program of Information Dissemination and…
The Water Resources Scientific Information Center (WRSIC) bibliographic data base is now available for retrieval on the Atomic Energy Commission's RECON…
The Secretary of the Interior recently approved the establishment of an Office of Water Research and Technology (OWRT) under the Assistant Secretary for Land…