That water, so common, essential and basic, should be a cornmodity to be bought and sold, marketed and transferred, may seem odd. Yet social and economic…
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The U.S.-Mexico boundary is a political division and, although surveyed, mapped and patrolled, cannot completely determine the two nations' rights to the water…
The Arizona Groundwater Management Act (GMA) of 1980 confronts a problem that has concerned state officials since the early 1930s the overdraft of Arizona's…
C ure and simple" is an expression that does not fit when water quality is the topic. To assure the delivery of good quality, pure water is not a simple matter…
The continued funding of the Central Arizona Project depended upon Arizona implementing water conservation measures in several critical areas in the state.…
One of the most significant environmental events to occur in Arizona over the last several years is the enactment of the new state Environmental Quality Act…
The Arizona Department of Water Resources (DWR) mailed more than 570,000 certified letters to property owners in the Lower Gua River Watershed The certified…
The University of Arizona has been granted funds by the Arizona State Legislature for water-rela arch, instruction and - information services The -part pro…
The City of Tucson is supporting a program to address water problems in the greater Tucson area. A portion of this program, administered by the University of…
In April 1984 Arizona's Department of Water Resources (ADWR) promulgated the first management plans for the Tucson, Phoenix and Prescott Active Management…
Agriculture is an important part of Arizona's history, its culture and its economy. We should not sacrifice agriculture to urban growth and…
Investigations of aesthetic and affective responses to outdoor visual environments have shown a strong tendency for American and European groups to prefer…
Regulations for spacing new water wells in the state's AMAS have been adopted by the Department of Water Resources (DWR). These regulations, required by…
American Indian lands comprise approximately 52 million acres in more than 26 states. Many reservations have land and water resources that have potential for…
Although much less energy is expended in the United States for space cooling than for space heating, this end use is significant in many areas of the country…