This field manual is intended to serve as a field reference guide for the collection of water quality samples from surface water and ground water. More…
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Dedicated to saving plants and animals from extinction, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) also has complicated and far-reaching effects on water policy. As…
Expecting safe, drinkable water to flow from household taps once was an unquestioned assumption. This assumption was founded upon various acts of faith-in…
Because successful implementation of ground water remediation cannot be achieved without a full understanding of dissolved and non-aqueous phase transport…
In our democratic form of government, the people or, rather, we, the people, are said to be in charge, the ultimate source of political power. To believe that…
Certain U.S. Bureau of Reclamation properties may be up for sale. The agency recently issued a document, "Framework for the Transfer of Title,"…
Cliches come easy when the importance of water is discussed. Water is life. Water is destiny. "Whiskey is for drinking and water is to fight over" is an oft…
Who killed the CAP Compact? Like in the parlor game, suspects are many but clues are scarce. Was it Nevada Governor Bob Miller with a phone call to the White…
Self-improvement is as American as apple pie, with wide ranging educational programs abounding throughout the land. The abundance and variety of such…
The City of Tucson has narrowed its options for using its Central Arizona Project water allocation to four: direct treatment and delivery through the existing…
Researchers and water quality regulators are paying increased attention to cryptosporidium, a potentially deadly parasite commonly occurring in untreated…
The little southwestern willow flycatcher is an emerging player in the ongoing effort to protect Arizona riparian areas. Recently listed by U.S. Fish and…
In arid regions of rapid economic and population growth, adverse effects of droughts are likely to be increasingly serious.
Owners of water rights to Cibola Valley Irrigation and Drainage District (CVIDD) in southwestern Arizona seek approval to sell or lease about 24,000 acre-feet…
According to the Bible, on the second day God gathered the waters so that dry land would appear. Before that time all was surface water. Surface water was all…