The documentary, "Beyond the Mirage: The Future of Water in the West", by Cody Sheehy, Video Coordinator in the College of Agriculture and Life…
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The record high temperatures in June throw into sharp relief the importance of water, especially to the plants and animals that depend on flowing water for…
The Water Resources Research Center is proud to have partnered in the Beyond the Mirage project. Beyond the Mirage got its start as an alternative approach to…
As one of Arizona’s principal surface water systems, the Gila River has and will continue to be a valuable and highly sought after water source.
The WRRC is pleased to announce the release of our 2015 Annual Report describing activities and accomplishments during the past calendar year, now…
Dr. Jean McLain, WRRC Associate Director and Associate Research Scientist, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, will speak to the…
August 2016 saw the release of a Call to Action developed during two working sessions at the International Association of Hydrogeologists International…
An article by Susanna Eden, WRRC Assistant Director, Sharon B. Megdal, WRRC Director, Eylon Shamir, Hydrologic Research Center Hydrologic…
Stakeholder participation is a foundation of good water governance. Good groundwater governance typically involves the co-production of knowledge about the…
The growing importance of groundwater as a critical component of water supply for agriculture, urban areas, industry, and ecosystems has increased the need to…
The potable reuse of water has occurred throughout time as communities that grew up along rivers took their supplies from the river and disposed of their waste…
Making groundwater more “visible” was the subject of a workshop held in Denver, Colorado, April 28, 2016. The workshop marked the starting point for an…
A strong El Niño event has been taking place this year. People in Arizona generally welcome the wetter winters brought by El Niño, but in other parts of the…
Spring Semester is always busy and exciting for me, particularly because I teach my graduate course, Arizona Water Policy. Each year the course is a bit…
This Special Issue of Water will focus on the relationship of water governance practices and stakeholder engagement approaches to the development, evaluation,…