The WRRC is currently hiring for the position of Research Analyst for its Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program (TAAP). This newly created position will involve project research focused on investigating the socio-economic dimensions of transboundary aquifers in the US and Mexico and the impact of contrasting modes of governance in shared groundwater resources, writing journal articles and reports, giving presentations, and identifying opportunities for collaboration and organizing meetings with partners in the US and Mexico. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent professional level experience, fluency in Spanish, basic knowledge of geographical information systems (GIS), and a minimum of three years of relevant work experience, including interacting with government agencies and officials and conducting survey research. Preferred qualifications include a master’s or PhD in a water resources field, experience with conducting research related to groundwater in arid regions or water governance and management in the US and Mexico, and knowledge related to TAAP. This position will work with TAAP PI Sharon B. Megdal, who serves as WRRC director and is a professor in the UArizona Department of Environmental Science, other TAAP team members, and project collaborators from various universities and agencies in the US and Mexico. The position is available immediately for two years, with third-year funding dependent on successful progress.