October 12, 2018
Weekly Wave
6 vol.
no. 27
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ
Registration for the 2019 Water Resources Research Center's Annual Conference, "Arizona Runs on Water: Scarcity, Challenges, and Community-based Solutions", opens Monday, October 15.
The conference will focus on how Arizona communities are addressing their water challenges through collaboration, conservation, market-based approaches, long-term planning, and more. We are bringing together speakers from across the state to look at place-based approaches. Are there common barriers faced by communities or across water sectors? How do we build on past accomplishments to create new successes? What changes in state laws and governing policies would be helpful?
As presenters confirm their participation, we will update the conference agenda. We have invited Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman to be our keynote speaker. Other presenters represent communities and Tribal organizations from across Arizona, and the conference will conclude with an Arizona Legislators Panel. Please join us on February 1, 2019, at the Black Canyon Conference Center, 9440 N 25th Ave. in Phoenix, Arizona.