Did you know that the WRRC was part of the bipartisan infrastructure bill? The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law this week, contains historic investment in water resources and, of particular importance to the WRRC, it reauthorized the Water Resources Research Act (WRRA). As our readers may know, the WRRC is the water resources research institute for AZ, federally authorized under the WRRA. The reauthorization extends WRRA funding through FY2025 and contains changes long advocated by the WRRC and peer research institutes nationwide. An important change halves the cost-sharing requirement, from 2:1 to 1:1. This change will significantly improve the WRRC’s ability to leverage WRRA funding for our research and outreach programs, including the Section 104(b) student grant program. We will be issuing the next call for 104(b) proposals in the spring semester.