The La Paz County Water Factsheet is now available! As the ninth installment in the WRRC’s Arizona Water Factsheet series, this concise resource provides a general overview of the county’s water supply and demand, sustainable water management strategies, and future challenges associated with preserving the county’s rural lifestyle and quality of life. The important economic contributions of the Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) are also discussed, along with their ongoing environmental stewardship and water conservation commitments. This factsheet highlights how local water topics connect to broader state conversations including the expansion of foreign-owned commercial farming operations and how the recent federal authorization given to the CRIT may help to mitigate future imbalances between water supply and demand amid continued reductions to Arizona’s supply of Colorado River water. The La Paz County Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) helped provide local insight to contextualize existing water-related data. For La Paz County, the TAC included representation from the Town of Parker and the US Bureau of Reclamation. Additional stakeholders provided input reflective of their deep local knowledge about the county’s water resources and management.