The Coconino County Water Factsheet is now available! As the 12th addition to the WRRC’s Arizona Water Factsheet series, this resource showcases the county's diverse natural and cultural landscapes and the impact of varied land ownership on the management of groundwater, surface water, and reclaimed water supplies. Highlighting the region's significant contribution to the state's economy through recreation and tourism, the factsheet emphasizes local initiatives and collaborative efforts to manage water supply amid population growth, increased urbanization, and climate change. It also underscores the importance of tailored groundwater management, resolving Tribal water rights, and fostering partnerships to address growing water demands.
Engagement with local stakeholders is essential to the development of the Arizona Water Factsheets, ensuring the content reflects the specific water resources management challenges and strategies of each county. For the Coconino County Water Factsheet, significant input was received from the City of Flagstaff, the Coconino Plateau Water Advisory Council & Watershed Partnership, Northern Arizona University, and the United States Geological Society (USGS). Additional stakeholders provided feedback reflective of their deep local knowledge about the county’s water resources and management.