January 24, 2020
Weekly Wave
8 vol.
no. 3
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

We are happy to report that the UArizona WRRC, one of 54 US water institutes authorized in the federal Water Resources Research Act (WRRA), received another outstanding rating in its most recent periodic review by the US Geological Survey and the National Institutes for Water Research. The water institute program is funded through the USGS under provisions of the WRRA, which requires that the institutes be evaluated periodically to determine their eligibility for continued support. In 2019, the review panel found that the UArizona WRRC operates a comprehensive program that achieves success in all areas of the WRRA. The WRRC was commended particularly for its information transfer program, the impact of its research on Arizona's water resources issues, and its success in involving and engaging a broad range of individuals and organizations.