Image: USGS
Faculty and research personnel at any of Arizona's three public universities are invited to submit research proposals to the WRRC for grants of up to $10,000. Grant funds are provided by the Water Resources Research Act (WRRA), Section 104(b) program, through the US Geological Survey. Proposals should feature student work and explore new ideas to address water problems in Arizona and the Southwest and expand understanding of water and related phenomena. Proposals from a broad range of academic disciplines and professional programs will be considered. Additionally, proposals that increase diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, and address issues in historically marginalized or underserved communities are highly encouraged. Last year, the WRRC funded four projects on a range of topics including adaptive grazing, low-energy desalination, flooding impacts, and karst aquifer modeling. Proposals are due by 5:00 PM Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Funded projects will start on September 1, 2023, contingent on congressional budget approval. For more information visit the webpage below or email Program Manager Michael Seronde (seronde@arizona.edu). For information on the other WRRA grant program administered by the WRRC, the National Competitive Section 104(g) Grants, click here.
Image: USGS