The WRRC is celebrating 60 years of service as Arizona’s designated water resources research institute since the enactment of the Water Resources Research Act, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 17, 1964. Links to information about the WRRC’s history, past leadership, and progress toward goals can be found below. As the state’s water resources research institute, the WRRC is responsible for distributing WRRA section 104(b) program funds for water research focused on state and regional issues, and administers 104(g) grants awarded for research on multi-state or national issues. Institutes receive these federal grant funds through the US Geological Survey (USGS), which evaluates the use of these funds by each institute every five years. The success of the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program, dedication to the 104(b) grant review system, and continued commitment to public outreach over the fiscal years 2016–2020 earned the WRRC recognition as an "outstanding institute" from USGS.
Interestingly, 2024 also commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR), the National Institute for Water Resources (NIWR), and the American Water Resources Association (AWRA). The three organizations are hosting a joint conference from September 30–October 2 in St. Louis, MO, to celebrate this milestone and collectively engage the water community in networking and learning opportunities. Details about the 2024 Annual Conference, including the call for abstracts, are provided at the link below. Conference abstracts will be accepted until April 29.