How are our water resources changing? What pressures will our water-use sectors face in the future? How can we best achieve long-term resilience? These are just a few of the questions that will be addressed at the WRRC's March 27, 2020 Annual Conference, Water at the Crossroads: The Next 40 Years. During the morning, we will highlight critical topics such as groundwater/surface water connections, water quality, and desalination, all of which directly affect the quantity of water available to us in the future. We are also planning an exciting session called Reading the Road Signs, which will feature talks on water for natural systems, rural and urban water, management on a watershed scale, and agriculture, to help us better understand how diverse water-use sectors are planning ahead. The afternoon will include two moderated discussion sessions, including one called Choosing a Route, in which decision-makers from around the state will offer first-hand knowledge about water management decisions in their areas. Save Friday, March 27, 2020, for the WRRC Conference! Join us at the Black Canyon Conference Center, 9440 N 25th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, for an engaging day of thinking and talking about water throughout Arizona.