Image: Sharon B. Megdal
UArizona President Robert C. Robbins has formed the Presidential Advisory Commission on the Future of Agriculture and Food Production in a Drying Climate. You can read about the commission at https://president.arizona.edu/news/2022/12/presidential-advisory-commission-future-agriculture-and-food-production-drying-climate. On behalf of the Commission, WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal invites you to share your thoughts, perspectives, and ideas through a survey. The following six survey questions are designed to help develop actions to include in our report to President Robbins.
- What are the threats of a changing climate to Arizona’s agricultural production systems?
- Given these threats, how do you expect agriculture and food producers will respond?
- What big-picture ideas would have the most impact on agriculture and food producers in the short and/or long term?
- What expertise and resources (i.e., specific research, innovations, technologies, infrastructure, practices) can UArizona provide to help agriculture and food producers be as productive as possible in the face of these challenges?
- What actions by UArizona can bring these resources to bear on the threats to agriculture and food production systems?
- What funding and partnering opportunities are there to support these actions?
While the Commission invites input on all six questions, we will appreciate receiving your response to as many as you would like to answer. The deadline for survey responses is April 27, 2023. Access the survey at the link below or by scanning the QR code. Please take a few moments to respond to the survey and kindly circulate it to others.