September 24, 2021
Weekly Wave
9 vol.
no. 27
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

On Tuesday, September 14, the WRRC hosted the webinar Binational Cooperation in the Colorado River Basin: United States and Mexico, featuring US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) Binational Program Manager Amy Witherall and Analyst Sean Schrag-Toso. The timely webinar coincided with the appointment of the new Commissioners to both the US and Mexico Sections of the International Boundary and Water Commission. US Commissioner Maria-Elena Giner attended the webinar and offered some special remarks at the start of the event. Read more about Mexico’s Commissioner, Adriana Reséndez Maldonado, below in this issue of the Weekly Wave. Following Commissioner Giner’s remarks, Witherall began the presentation with a question to the audience, “What one word do you associate with the US/Mexico relationship on the Colorado River?” Audience responses generated a word cloud with “complicated” and “uneven” emerging as the most-entered answers.