We are pleased to announce that the first annual State of the Watershed Conference for the Upper Gila River will be held on September 22, 2017 at Eastern Arizona College in Thatcher, Arizona. This public forum is an exciting opportunity for community members to engage with local and state experts about critical issues in their region. The result of ongoing coordination among agricultural representatives, the Gila Watershed Partnership (GWP), Graham County Cooperative Extension, and the WRRC, this event will highlight the topics of fire, flood, and the arrival of the tamarisk leaf beetle. Other topics include: snowpack, climate forecasts, mining, local water supplies, and river channelization. All are welcome, and questions from the audience are encouraged!
Weekly Wave - Gila State of the Watershed Forum
August 18, 2017
Weekly Wave
5 vol.
no. 7
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ