September 16, 2022
Weekly Wave
10 vol.
no. 23
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ
Enter your Arizona water photos in the WRRC 2022 Photo Contest. The theme this year is Water Now! Living with Less. Drought and shortage are on everyone’s minds, but so are monsoon rains and desert oases. Technologies—modern and ancient—will be part of our water future, along with new visions of life amid the wonders of Arizona. As in the past, photos must be taken in Arizona* and must feature water (present or absent). Categories include Water in Nature, Water in the Built Environment, and Water for Us (animals, livelihoods, and recreation) with a special category of Water in Arid/Semi-Arid Lands Beyond Arizona for photographers who travel beyond our borders. Feel free to use the contest theme, Water Now! Living with Less, to fuel your imagination. So, get your cameras and go—We look forward to seeing your amazing photos!
- Best in Show
- Water in Nature
- Water in the Built Environment
- Water for Us (our animals, livelihoods, and recreation)
- *Water in Arid/Semi-Arid Lands Beyond Arizona
Winners will be saluted at the February 2023 Chocolate Fest, and winning photographs will be featured on the WRRC website. Photographs also will be used in WRRC publications and outreach materials.