January 05, 2018
Weekly Wave
6 vol.
no. 1
Water Resources Research Center
Tucson, AZ

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Water Resources Research Center Photo Contest. This year we gave photographers only two criteria - that photos be water-related and that they be taken in Arizona. We received an array of stunning images that took our request to heart. People, nature, economy, and other topics were covered by the many photographers who submitted their images.
We would like to sincerely thank all of the participants. We had entries from throughout the state and even a few from out of state. We were very impressed by the quality and variety of photographs entered. This made choosing the winners a daunting yet exciting task.
The winning photographs will be featured in the Arizona Water Resource newsletter and at the 2018 WRRC Annual Conference on March 28. The winners will also be recognized at the 2018 Chocolate Fest on February 16.