Water resources in Arizona are under stress from climate change, a two-decade megadrought, and chronic overuse. These combined stressors have created multiple complex and interconnected challenges that call out for solutions. This Arroyo proposes answers to the question: What can be done? It describes innovative ideas as well as ongoing efforts to address this basic question, including improved and more accessible data, new technologies, and strong collaborations.
Based on the Water Resources Research Center's (WRRC) 2023 annual conference, What Can We Do? Solutions to Arizona’s Water Challenges, the Arroyo provides an overview of the challenges facing Arizona’s water supplies and solutions discussed during the WRRC conference. Organized around key themes, it discusses water supply and quality, conservation, technological innovation, data, collaboration, funding, and workforce development. Although by no means comprehensive, this Arroyo publication offers a sample of the many problem-solving efforts that provide hope for Arizona’s water future.