The WRRC takes great pleasure in announcing the publication of the 2023 Arroyo, Arizona’s Agricultural Outlook: Water, Climate, and Sustainability. Taking its topic from the 2022 Annual Conference with the same title, this Arroyo discusses key themes from the conference. It also provides eight related, visually striking factsheets with information on key conference concepts, including agriculture water use, water scarcity, technological innovations, water use efficiency, and others. Written by UArizona graduate student Luke Presson and the WRRC’s Susanna Eden, the 2023 Arroyo draws from the presentations made during the conference as well as the latest publicly available material on the state of agriculture in Arizona and the challenges posed by a climate growing hotter and drier, with impacts on water supply and demand. The annual Arroyo is a unique publication produced each spring to look in depth at a single topic of timely importance to Arizona. Intended for the lay public, it reaches educators, water managers, decision-makers, students, and interested individuals and has been used to inform policy discussions. Published regularly since 2007, topics have ranged widely. Prepublication reviews by experts ensure accuracy and comprehensibility.
Image: David Quanrud, Sulphur Springs Valley, AZ, WRRC 2021 Photo Contest