AzEWN Assessment and Methodology Guidebook Brochure: This document is a four-page color brochure highlighting the contents of the Arizona Environmental Water Needs Assessment Report and Methodology Guidebook.
Protecting Arizona’s natural environment, water supply, and open spaces is a high priority for Arizona citizens. The Arizona Environmental Water Needs Assessment systematically assembled technical information about the environment’s water needs that can be used in water planning and policymaking statewide. AzEWNA documents and inventory data are intended to improve scientific understanding by Arizona’s public and decision makers. Efforts like the Water Resources Development Commission’s (WRDC) to look at water demands statewide may provide opportunities for introducing the environment’s water needs into a dialogue with all water sectors. Ultimately, the hope is that by explaining the state of knowledge about Arizona’s environmental water needs, AzEWNA will support the work of those seeking to protect desert rivers and streams...More