This issue of the Arizona Water Resource recaps key message from the 2017 WRRC Annual Conference, “Irrigated Agriculture in Arizona: A Fresh Perspective”, which took place on April 28 at the University of Arizona’s Student Union Memorial Center in Tucson. The feature article provides a flavor of what was discussed, while other items highlight the luncheon and poster session prize winners. In addition the and article on the making of the new Arizona Water Map poster demonstrates the value of collaboration. A brief feature on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus notes current research efforts. The WRRC Director’s Public Policy Review column shares the high points of her busy spring schedule. Look for all this plus News Briefs, Resources and a Student Spotlight in this Spring 2017 AWR.
Water Conference Highlights Arizona's Irrigated Agriculture
Farmers and the people who work with them presented their perspectives, sharing their knowledge and experience with the 325 people gathered to learn about water issues faced by Arizona’s agricultural industry.
Nexus of Food-Energy- Water Challenges Resource Management
The challenges of climate change, population growth, and water scarcity have highlighted the need to develop a better understanding of the interactions among food, energy, and water (FEW) systems.
Arizona Water Map Poster: The Production of a Stakeholder-Driven Map
From brainstorming to final reviews, the power of the stakeholder-driven process was harnessed to ensure that the fourth version of the Water Map accurately reflects the current state of water resources in Arizona, as well as a culture of management and planning unique to our state.
Student Spotlight: Jake Golden
Jake Golden is a first-year master’s student at the University of Arizona in Water, Society, and Policy and a Gates Millennium Scholar. He received his Bachelor’s degrees in International Relations and History from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
Public Policy Review: A Spring Full of Productive Activity!
Spring semester is always a busy time of year. I teach my graduate Arizona Water Policy class and convene a seminar class for the Master’s program in Water, Society, and Policy.
News Briefs
- Student Poster Prizes Awarded at 2017 WRRC Conference
- Apache Junction Receives Water Project of the Year Award
- Conference Lunch Celebrates Local Foods
- Goodyear and SRP Agree on Water Wheeling Deal
- USGS Studies Hualapai Basin Groundwater Declines
- Rodney Lewis Appointed to CAWCD Board
- New Agreement Creates Partnership for Drought Resiliency
- Big Chino Sub-basin Groundwater Flow Modeling Study Undertaken